Hello, I am Stefan and over the last
5 years, I have been a professional Olympiad, data structures and algorithms coach who has helped 150+ students achieve top results at Olympiads and programming competitions such as
IOI, USACO, ICPC, several National Olympiads and various other programming competitions.
Check them out.For over a decade, my passion for computer science has driven me to excel—from my previous Olympiad years to my last 5 years as a dedicated full-time tutor. I am committed to delivering the utmost quality in education to each student, guiding them toward exceptional results, all at a fair price.
My tutoring journey started in 11th grade, with voluntary computer science classes at my school, sharing my knowledge with younger students in order to improve their performance in Informatics competitions. Despite a pause due to the pandemic, this pivotal experience laid the foundation for my current professional tutoring activities, extending across 20 countries and all continents. Adapting to the diverse challenges, I continue to provide impactful guidance to students around the world, while also fostering the next generation of programmers.
Nowadays, aside from the tutoring related activities, I am an active member of the competitive programming community, being involved in projects both in Romania and abroad.
Among others, some of the most important projects I am part of nowadays are:
founder of RoAlgo community - Romania's largest algorithms and competitive programming community, a community with over 3000 members which has organized several contests, uploaded thousands of new and old problems while also working on various exciting projects under my coordination and leadershipcoordinator of the Romanian scientific commitee of the International Informatics Olympiad in Teamsmember in the director council of SEPI - Romania's Society of Excellence and Performance in Informatics, the organization in charge of organizing everything related to Romanian Olympiad in Informaticsmember in the scientific committees of the Romanian Olympiad in Informaticscoordinator of more than 10 Romanian and international contests organized by various students and problemsetters